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Landscaping your pool area? Tips to planting a pool friendly garden.

Landscaping your pool area? Tips to planting a pool friendly garden.

18th Dec 2018

By landscaping the area around your pool, not only are you adding privacy and visual interest but you are also increasing the value of your home.

Picture a barren, stark pool area, then picture a crystal clear, sparkling pool surround by a private, tropical oasis. The oasis wins hands down every time!

Landscaping a pool area though needs careful consideration as not all plants, shrubs and trees are pool friendly.

Installing a pool can be a costly exercise so it pays to do your research and landscape with flora that will not damage or clog your pools filtration system or stain your hard surfaces surrounding the pool.

Captain Nemo's based at Brisbane and the Gold Coast, have been installing pools and spas for over 25 years in the Brisbane and Gold Coast areas for many satisfied clients.

Here, we have some suggestions when undertaking landscaping that we'd like to share with our readers:


Large leafed plants are easier to maintain and clean from the pool than plants will very small leaves.

Leaves that are small can stain the bottom of the pool and be difficult to skim off the surface of the pool and can clog the pools filter much easier.

Landscaping your pool area? Tips to planting a pool friendly garden | Gold Coast | Brisbane | Captain Nemo's Pool & Spa Supplies


Choose shrubs that are large leafed, sun hardy and can withstand exposure to salt and pool chemicals.


Trees can be a beautiful addition to landscaping around the pool, not only providing shade but when lit at night with statement lighting, can make the pool area look truly look magical.

Be careful though to choose non-invasive varieties of trees as some tree species can aggressively look for a water source and are known to damage underground plumbing pipes including a pools underground pipes.

Captain Nemo's at our Brisbane or Gold Coast locations, stock a wide range of high quality pool cleaners, pool supplies, pool accessories, pool equipment and pool chemicals.

We also offer a mobile pool service where we can test your pool water and maintain your pool for you. Captain Nemo's, an Australian owned company which has been in business for over 25 years, also sell luxury spas and modular pools,

Call our friendly team at either our Brisbane or Gold Coast pool shops if you have any queries, or you are welcome to pop in to have a chat.