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Learning to swim. Better late than never!

Learning to swim. Better late than never!

18th Dec 2018

Not just on the Gold Coast or Brisbane, but Australia wide, very young children are being taught to swim. Being Australian is synonymous with being outdoors and in the water.

We either teach our children in our backyard pools or take them to a swim school to learn the lifesaving skills that will stay with them for life and to give them confidence in the water.

But what if you're an adult and you've never learnt how to swim? At Captain Nemo's we say it's never too late to learn how to swim!

Learning to swim. Better late than never! | Gold Coast | Brisbane | Captain Nemo's Pool & Spa Supplies

Being able to swim is the most exhilarating feeling. Knowing you have an ability to save your own life in an emergency is very comforting and is why it is vitally important to teach people to swim from an early age.

Swimming is such an enjoyable activity and is also one of the best forms of exercise. Swimming is a low impact exercise, promoting cardio and strength fitness. It increases your lung capacity and improves oxygen flow, helping you to get fit whilst reducing body fat.

It is also something that people of all ages can learn to do. Swimming lessons are held at swim schools and community pools all over the nation, offering adults the ability to finally learn how to swim.

Learning to swim takes time so you will start of slowly until you can swim lengths you never imagined you would be able to. Whether you ultimately want to swim in a pool or on the beach, being able to swim will simply amaze you.

Captain Nemo's have been installing pools and spas for our Brisbane and Gold Coast clients for over 25 years, who want their children or family members to learn the lifesaving skills of swimming.

At our two pool shops we also stock pool chemicals, pool equipment and pool accessories including floatation devices for those who are learning to swim.

Call Captain Nemo's or call into one of our pool shops for anything you need regarding your pool or spa.