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Testing your pool water

Testing your pool water

18th Dec 2018

If you have installed a pool, you really need to get into the habit of testing your pool water each week to ensure it is safe for your family and friends to swim in. You can either use a liquid test k … read more
Learning to swim. Better late than never!

Learning to swim. Better late than never!

18th Dec 2018

Not just on the Gold Coast or Brisbane, but Australia wide, very young children are being taught to swim. Being Australian is synonymous with being outdoors and in the water.We either teach our childr … read more
Basic pool chemicals explained

Basic pool chemicals explained

18th Dec 2018

For those of us who are lucky enough to own a pool or a spa, we know just how much enjoyment and fitness they can bring, but often we don't really understand what the pool chemicals do, other than wha … read more
How Safe Is Your Pool

How Safe Is Your Pool

18th Dec 2018

Swimming pools are to be enjoyed by all, and in warm climates like experienced in Brisbane and on the Gold Coast, having a pool in your backyard can be a real blessing. But pools also need to be safe … read more
Why you must have a CPR sign

Why you must have a CPR sign

18th Dec 2018

When you install a new pool in your Gold Coast backyard, most homeowners are well aware they will need to install an approved and certified pool fencing system around their pool or spa.What you may no … read more